看了一小時的Lady gaga專題報導,其中播到我最愛的一首歌The Edge Of Glory (幸福邊界)<這影片是她代言Google Chrome瀏覽器>非常有正面意義~


我再分享一次 http://youtu.be/sDPJ-o1leAw

The Edge Of Glory (幸福邊界) 當時我正處於愛上對方的美麗心情 所以我非常喜歡這首歌 到現在也是~

Gaga寫The Edge of Glory是給她已逝世的爺爺的!也是從此獲得靈感!

-- 節錄部份

There's no reason you and me should be alone

Tonight, yeah babe

Tonight, yeah babe

There's no reason you shouldn't take me home tonight


I need a man who thinks it right when it's so wrong,

Tonight yeah babe,

Tonight yeah babe,

Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight


It's time to feel the rush,

To push the dangerous

I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you

Where we can both fall in love


I'm on the edge of glory,

And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,

I'm on the edge of glory,

And I'm hanging on a moment with you,

I'm on the edge

The edge

I'm on the edge of glory

And I'm hanging on a moment with you

I'm on the edge with you

Another shot, before we kiss the other side,

Tonight, yeah babe

Tonight, yeah babe

I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight

Alright, alright

Pull out your shade 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames

Tonight, yeah babe

Tonight, yeah babe


It doesn't hurt if everybody knows my name, tonight, tonight

[中譯] 節錄部份


你與我何必獨自一人 這一切根本毫無道理 今晚別孤單

沒錯寶貝 今晚別孤單 沒錯寶貝

我可有個很好的理由 今晚你該把我帶回家


我需要一種男人 在事情明明是如此的錯誤時卻說這是正確的

就是在今晚 沒錯寶貝 就是在今晚 沒錯寶貝

就在那個 我們都懂得今晚彼此歸屬何方的界線所在




我要奔向 與你一起直奔向那個邊界

到達那個 能讓我們墜入愛河的邊界








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