
Moose told Wang in one conversation the difference between getting 20 wins and getting 19 wins, "If a pitcher can't get 20 wins, it means nothing eve though he gets 19 wins". Gator also told Wang how he was so disappointed Wang can't get to 20 wins two years in a row when Wang got his 19 wins in 2007 because he knew how people will think about Wang later on. For Wang, he still can't understand, he feels getting 19 wins is not bad at all even without getting 20 wins.

Congrats, Moose. You did it. I am really happy for you even though I am one of people don't understand the difference between 19 wins and 20 wins.

Wang told to Taiwanese media about the future of Moose. Wang said he asked Moose to come back and pitch with him next year during the course of whole year many times, but Moose's answer is "No" every time.

Wang followed team to Boston at the end of season. He said congrats to Moose when he got his 20 wins and said to him,"Moose, how about pitching two more years?". This time, Wang got a big smile from Moose who didn't say "Yes"or "No".

I hope Moose will come back, but won't surprise if he decides to retire. From Yankees' standpoint, it will be nice to get Moose back in one year deal. However, I think Moose will definitely be willing to come back if Yankees offer him three year deal which will let him get to 300 career wins without changing team.

That being said, Yankees need to get younger. If I were Yankees, I would not bring Moose back for more than one year deal. Don't forget Moose is 39 years 0ld pitcher which is very difficult to stay healthy the whole year. On top of that, the velocity of Moose's fastball slow down. If he doesn't have the same command like he had this season, he will be in trouble.

I know Pettitte has a unusual second half this season resulted from a tired shoulder. However, Pettitte number would not be this bad if Yankees had a normal run support. During second half of season, even though Pettitte had a tire arm, he still throws over 200 inning with mid 4 ERA and 90s fastball velocity. On top of that, Pettitte will be willing to take a one year deal with a much lower price. We not only can bring back a proven 200 innings pitcher but also save some money on other area we need.

However, it will be nice to have both back for one year deal. 

19與20 穆帥要建仔想清楚










     不管最後穆帥的選擇如何,這個球季他已充分地證明了自己。在大家普遍認為他已日落西山的時候,穆帥卻Re-invent Himself(重新塑造自己)。以39歲的高齡,創下大聯盟生涯18年來最多的勝投。穆帥成功的轉化,給包括建仔在內的後輩們一個最好的榜樣。

     希望看著穆帥拿下20勝之後那種喜悅,可以讓建仔開始體會到20這個數字的意義。兩年連著19勝的確是了不起的成就,但是穆帥那句「沒有20,19算啥」的話大有哲理。雖然以一勝之差來評定一位投手的豐功偉業並不公平,但是呢,在大聯盟,偏偏只有20以上才是Great,19終究只是Almost great。


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